Keep your feathered friends cozy and comfortable with this premium hemp bedding for chickens. Made from natural hemp fibers, this bedding provides a soft and absorbent cushion for your chickens to roost on. Not only does it help keep your coop clean and odor-free, but it also promotes healthy feet and legs for your flock. Say goodbye to dusty and allergen-filled bedding—make the switch to hemp bedding for happy and healthy chickens!
SKU: 2094356

A 10lb bag of North American grown hemp bedding with organic herbs for chicken coops and small animal cages.

fit, effectiveness, herbs for fragrance

SKU: 2354976

A natural, absorbent, and compostable hemp bedding for chicken coops and small animal cages.

SKU: 2368101

A biodegradable, all-natural chicken coop bedding made from USDA Organic hemp that is highly absorbent and packed with anti-microbial...

durability, odor-blocking, dust-free

SKU: 2328520
See price in cart

A low-dust, highly absorbent, and sustainable hemp bedding that provides superior comfort for pets.

Highly effective, Eliminates odors well, Eco-friendly and biodegradable, Attractive scent and freshness, Superior quality and cleanliness

SKU: 2094355

A natural, sustainable, and absorbent hemp bedding with DooKashi odor eliminator for chicken coops and small animal cages....

good for scooping, absorbency, fine shavings

SKU: 2097832

A 33 lb. bale of premium natural hemp bedding that is 4 times more absorbent than pine shavings.

No wet straw, Great absorbency, Pleasant smell, Easy to clean, Cost-effective

SKU: 2094354

A 33lb bale of premium natural hemp chicken coop bedding that is 4 times more absorbent than pine shavings, with added Dookashi...

hemp, easy to use, absorption

SKU: 2368102

A natural and biodegradable pet bedding made from renewable hemp, providing odor-elimination and super absorbency for small...


A 10lb bag of North American grown hemp bedding with organic herbs for chicken coops and small animal cages.

fit, effectiveness, herbs for fragrance


A natural, absorbent, and compostable hemp bedding for chicken coops and small animal cages.


A biodegradable, all-natural chicken coop bedding made from USDA Organic hemp that is highly absorbent and packed with anti-microbial...

durability, odor-blocking, dust-free


See price in cart

A low-dust, highly absorbent, and sustainable hemp bedding that provides superior comfort for pets.

Highly effective, Eliminates odors well, Eco-friendly and biodegradable, Attractive scent and freshness, Superior quality and cleanliness


A natural, sustainable, and absorbent hemp bedding with DooKashi odor eliminator for chicken coops and small animal cages....

good for scooping, absorbency, fine shavings


A 33 lb. bale of premium natural hemp bedding that is 4 times more absorbent than pine shavings.

No wet straw, Great absorbency, Pleasant smell, Easy to clean, Cost-effective


A 33lb bale of premium natural hemp chicken coop bedding that is 4 times more absorbent than pine shavings, with added Dookashi...

hemp, easy to use, absorption


A natural and biodegradable pet bedding made from renewable hemp, providing odor-elimination and super absorbency for small...

Hemp Bedding For Chickens

Hemp bedding for chickens has become increasingly popular among poultry enthusiasts and farm owners for its remarkable benefits. As we delve into the warmer months of June, the choice of bedding material can play a significant role in the health and comfort of your flock. Hemp bedding is renowned for its high absorbency, which is crucial during this time when humidity levels rise and maintaining a dry coop becomes a challenge. Its superior absorbency helps in keeping the coop dry and ammonia levels low, thereby creating a healthier living environment for chickens. This is particularly important in preventing respiratory issues and bacterial infections that can easily spread in damp conditions.

Moreover, hemp is a sustainable and biodegradable material, making it an environmentally friendly option for bedding. It decomposes much faster than other bedding materials, such as pine shavings or straw, turning into a rich compost that can be used to improve the fertility of your soil. This feature appeals not only to those who are environmentally conscious but also to individuals who practice organic farming. Hemp bedding is also less dusty compared to other alternatives, which is beneficial for both the respiratory health of your chickens and anyone involved in the care and maintenance of the coop. Given these attributes, hemp bedding is an excellent choice for anyone looking to maintain a clean, healthy, and sustainable chicken coop. Whether you are a seasoned farmer or a beginner in backyard poultry keeping, incorporating hemp bedding can significantly enhance your poultry management practices.

When considering the setup of your coop, especially if you are planning to house a larger flock, it’s essential to think about the space and comfort your chickens will need. A Chicken Coop For 10 Chickens provides ample space, ensuring that each chicken has enough room to roam, rest, and nest comfortably. The choice of bedding is crucial in such setups to maintain cleanliness and manage odors effectively. Hemp bedding, with its high absorbency and easy compostability, fits perfectly into such environments. It not only keeps the coop dry but also makes the cleaning process much simpler. Whether you are gifting these supplies to a fellow poultry enthusiast or upgrading your own setup, the transition to hemp bedding is a thoughtful and practical step towards creating a more sustainable and efficient farming practice. As you browse through Tractor Supply's range of farm supplies, remember that choosing the right bedding is as important as selecting the coop itself. It’s about creating a healthy habitat for your chickens where they can thrive and produce the best yield, be it eggs or simply the joy of watching a well-maintained flock.
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