Ground Cover Plants
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Ground Cover Plants
Whether you seek low-maintenance solutions for weed control, erosion prevention or simply want to enhance your ladscpaing’s curb appeal, you can transform your outdoor space with ground cover plants. With a spectrum of colors, textures and growth habits, our selection of ground cover plants offer both aesthetic appeal and practical benefits to help you get the lawn of your dreams.
Selecting the Perfect Ground Cover Plants
Sunlight Requirements: Plants have varying preferences for sunlight, with some requiring full sun for optimal growth, while others thrive in shaded areas. If your garden receives full sun throughout the day, you might opt for sun-loving ground cover plants such as lemon grass or jasmine shrub. In contrast, if your garden is shaded by trees or buildings, you may select shade-tolerant options, such as hostas.
Soil Condition: Different plants have specific soil preferences, with some favoring well-drained soil, while others can tolerate heavier or clay-like soils. If you have sandy soil that drains quickly, you might select drought-tolerant ground cover options such as lavender. Conversely, if your soil retains moisture and is prone to waterlogging, you may opt for moisture-loving options such as ferns.
Maintenance Level: Some ground cover plants require minimal maintenance, making them ideal for busy gardeners or low-maintenance landscapes. Examples of low-maintenance ground cover plants include ornamental grasses, succulents, and certain varieties of ivy. On the other hand, if you enjoy spending time in the garden and are willing to invest effort in pruning, weeding and care, you may choose more high-maintenance options such as flowering perennials or ground cover roses.
Growth Rate: Some ground cover plants spread rapidly and can quickly fill in bare areas, providing effective erosion control and weed suppression. However, fast-growing ground cover plants may also become invasive and outcompete other plants in the garden. If you need rapid coverage in a sunny area, you might select spreading ground cover plants such as sedum and alyssum. In contrast, if you're concerned about invasive species or want a more controlled spread, you may opt for slower-growing options.
Whether you are filling garden beds or framing walkways, ground cover plants can help to bring your outdoor spaces to life. Explore our selection of ground covers online, or stop by your local TSC garden center to pick up your plants today.
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